14 June 2010

Charlombe, near Bath

Penny, my sister, and her husband, Alastair, always 
tell us that their home is ours when we visit and it truly is. They are always so warm and welcoming
in every way.  
This photo shows Howard and Penny standing just behind Alex and Rik's new baby, Ellie.  Alastair is holding 2 year old Jesse, and Alex is standing on the steps leading up to the patio and sun room at "The Old Farm".

The bedroom we stayed in looks down the lovely little Charlcombe lane where Alex is showing Jesse the horse riders.

We couldn't get all the family together, but we thought that their children, Innes, Alex and Fiona would like this one of Penny and Alastair.  Sorry we missed getting shots of Innes,  and Fi   and her husband Justin, plus Alex's husband, Rik, but hope to next time.  Oh, forgot the dogs too, Oscar and Haskier.

This one is for our children and friends who haven't seen an updated photo of us for some time.  We're also standing on the newly resurfaced driveway.

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